More progress with charcoal drawing....  today we are still  concentrating on perspective - vertical and horizontal lines.  But it seems much harder today,  it is a street scape with loads of buildings, which have windows, doors, balconies etc etc....(I didnt get to do a balcony- didn't want anyone stepping out of my puny windows and falling down LOL)

Our Teacher is explaining as she goes along, about height of windows, doors etc.  I was curious to know "when are you satisfied, it is done" Her answer "when you sign your work" but she will often leave something she is working on - keep adding bits and pieces, moving stuff around - bit like re-arranging your Lounge room, with pillows, mats, ornaments, photos etc...untill you are satisfied then, bingo, sign, all done.   But I guess it comes down to the degree of satisfaction, do I like what I have done? Am I happy with how it looks?  Shall I walk out of the room now and be happy.....Yep I signed mine very early in the construction - Heck I didn't want to ruin it. As they say less is more.
My efforts produced this masterpiece..? in my eyes only, not really.  I think it is a bit higgle pigglie
Practice sheet trying to get the message on "How Too"2
Cheers from MLR where I am contemplating if being an artist,  Ukelele player or Pilates Wiz is what I am searching for in retirement, or maybe I might try lawn bowls next...?  Decisions - 

1 comment:

  1. oooh Lawn bowls is fun slessie, the boys will play at Christmas with you :)


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