While driving home the other day after my ukulele lesson, my mind
wandered back to all the things I had attempted over the years...then
BINGO what about how you became a typist? remember what you started on -
compared to where you are now....

Yep it was one just like this...Oh! Boy! I actually learnt to touch type on a machine of this vintage.. I remember we had an apron thingie attached around our necks, then the other end attached to the typewriter. Our hands then went under the cloth apron thingie - eyes on the text book and away we went, by feel only - no trying to peek under to see if we were on the right keys. off you go aaaspacelllspaceaaaspace aaa lll aaa lll so on and so on, until the whole keyboard of letters was memorised, and your fingers comfy on the right letters. The other memory was the noise we all made.....clack clack clack space clack clack clack space. Pause grab handle to return carriage along. Touch typists seem to be a thing of the past now. Thumbs go whizzing over pads on phones and tablets...or pointer fingers plonking away on putter keyboards.
(Pointer, plonking, puter fingers - gotta be a song or poem in them there words..LOL )
Then came the electric typewriter...another story. To me being a heavy handed plonker - bashing away to reach 60 WPM (words per minute) average really, but good enough for the bush.....So now being heavy handed, had to re-learn soft touch....Ha! not happening...to boot, no handle to return carriage....press button..Yep! more confusion, no apron thingie around neck - look down find right button , press, wizz, there you go....oh bugger, mean Oh bother, better take out paper and carbon paper wedged between papers (there was always a copy) and re-do, dont think Boss will be happy with this mess...Manny a new start was made.
THEN.....learning all over again, COMPUTERS ... Another learning curve and challenge to face. But I must say, backspace is far superior to white out where mistakes are concerned.
Since then I have had several puters, then a lap top, now a tablet, all challenging in there own ways....
Now you might wonder what all this ranting about the history of typewriters is? Remember I was driving home from ukulele lesson when all these thoughts raged through my mind.....WELL the thing is, the Ukulele is an instrument that has not changed throughout the ages and is still popular, still a challenge to learn, so some things are timeless, needing no improvement to survive in this always jumping forward world.......Here endeth the lesson rant.....LOL PS. all pics compliments Internet (another story)