More of the day out of MLR:-  The exhibits were many and varied.  Centered around all the farming opportunities available today - from livestock to cotton,  rice, wheat etc there was even a butcher set up in one of the marques - in a glass enclosed butcher shop he demonstrated how to dissect a carcass and what to do with each piece cooking wise.......

 All the displays were well laid out and hoards of school kids were trouping in and out of the tents with work sheets and pencils in hand.  I later heard one brave teacher ask for the pencils to be returned.....then she received 3 out of 11 back from her group....who could guess where the other 8 pencils ended up????

A fine example of a cow - sectioned into parts that are able to service man with meat, milk and any other bits & pieces minced up...to be consumed.  I wonder if any little vegetarians were formed that day?????

This young man was working extremely hard - it was getting very warm and he was struggling when his axe was stuck - he had to wiggle it to free from the log. 

some of the many school groups settled in the shade for rest and lunch
And that's all for now - saving the shearing shed and large rams for another blog.....they deserve a page of their own............

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