Every year our Town holds a "Festival of the Gardens ".  Bus loads of tourists come from far and wide to do garden tours, winery tours etc. A great advantage to the town's accommodation, shops, wine cellars, clubs, eateries etc.
Several years back local volunteer groups along with service clubs like Rotary and Lions members joined forces and together with local orange farmers, donating the products to make these spectacular sculptures. 
They call for volunteers to load the oranges onto wire cage like structures.  They are held in place with large elastic bands.
Very effective shapes this year...
And more pop up in the medium strip...

This year the weather has been "just right" your porridge and enjoy the sites....


ANNOUNCEMENT....................RV SUE & CREW will be celebrating a special occasion. ......

Can u believe it's that time again ??

YEP! Sue is having a special day..

Sue & crews blog was my 1st introduction into the blogging world.  I ended up reading her blog from the very beginning.  Then became game enough to leave comments from Australia. ..always answered, which thrilled me no end.

I still read every one of  the crew's blogs - and now Sue has so manny comments it is hard to get a leg in...LOL So to speak

I have since started my own blog...but am spasmodic in keeping it up, it doesn't deture me from reading & commenting on other blogs. ...

BUT this is about Sue and the countless joy she gives us all...

SO lets raise our glasses, and wish a very happy birthday to SUE......XXXX