
For Contessa......Ute ..green vehicle with trailer load of gravel...

This is the Ute - great vehicle, with loads of uses...think u guys call them trucks?
And this is what we call a Truck.(bit like..this is a knife - LOL)..MD our departed dog sitting next to the Mack Bulldog....

 It is a Semi-Tipper and Hubbie used to cart sand and gravel when we had a concrete business....then when we sold that -  kept the trucks and carted wheat.....which I might add by this time he was supposed to be retired...but what can you do with a workaholic....but gladly he has since sold to a farmer.

SEE YA!.....


NOTHING.....That about sums it up..aside from cooking, cleaning, shopping etc..etc...not much has been happening.  I haven't even started a new mosaic project.  It has started to get cold and we have fired up our gas central heating.  I have checked out some you tube bloggers that live full time in RV's or vans they have fitted out....What an interesting bunch they are....LOL at present there seems to be loads of fore and against e-begging????? Well I finally worked it out...they sort of ask for donations - so they can live their lives and travel....taking videos to upload free parking  places, how to do stuff, how they fitted out their vans...(some interesting and inventive living spaces) etc. etc. and justifying e-begging....most are young blokes and they take turns to rubbish each other or help each other.....so funny and entertaining. 

Photo just because - I like it....

Stray is still being the independent dog that he is.  If he happens to escape the yard - no amount of whistling or calling will bring him back...he will stop look back at you and "off like a speeding bullet" he goes.  At first Hubbie would get in the ute and go look for him.  But now we know he will be back in his own good time.  He sits at the front door until we notice him and let him in.
Well that about does it for me at the moment - thought I should let folks know I'm still here....and I do keep up with all your blogs....along with u-tube now LOL


I have been baffled by sticking tiles and things on round pots - they kept sliding out of position and you could only do one small section at a time  - let it dry - then move on around the pot.....not good for an impatient person, who likes to see quick results....

BUT....TAA DAAA......
I found this.....
It is thicker than the other adhesive I have been using.   Whilst it does not dry clear, it makes the job  more enjoyable and satisfying.  Not to mention:- no repositioning of tiles.... 

This is one I have grouted and finished.....using the new Adhesive....

AND this is a round project I preferred doing......

So at least I found a solution to keeping mosaic tiles on round pots.....Which goes to prove "where there's a will there's a way". And never give up - you know all those things......LOL
See Ya...!!!


My interest and attention was recently grabbed by  bloggers Kevin and Ruth along with George when they mentioned Maple Syrup.    Read about it here HOW MAPLE SYRUP COMES TO OUR TABLES..
And George drove past some trees that had buckets attached to them

CLICK BELOW:-  GEORGE & SUZIE'S SITE...Thanks for the Pic..George - Hope you don't mind...

Or perhaps they weren't buckets at a second look LOL - Bit like taping rubber trees Eh!

So on my last visit to the Grocery Store....eagle eyes found this...as I had never tasted it - It was time...I had heard about Maple syrup and pancakes. 

Taste test--- It is like what we call treacle.  Seems very runny and thin - It was on special for AUS$8.75.  I only tasted on a spoon so really have to do the pancake thing.

So I guess it all comes down to tastes we were raised on and became used to.  Take Aussie Vegemite.....We all had it as babies on toast...grew up with it...love it....take it overseas with us. LOL - I know for sure you can get it in New Zealand, and probable other countries as well....
No Aussie household is without a jar of Vegemite....I have it mostly for Breakie on toast - and sometimes with cheese as well....Overseas visitors think it is vile, and pull some funny faces when asked to taste it....There you go.  I learnt something about where and how Maple syrup  evolves from.....Thank you Bloggers - I am forever learning - and THATS A GOOD THING....

see ya!!!!